I came across this most excellent cartoon jabbing at both political candidates that is shaping up to be an interesting election year. The media is even more so involved with shaping the opinions and minds of people than previous elections. With the wide spread use of the internet, information is out there for us to get to the bottom of the issues that interest us. No longer are we just fed data from the newspaper, radio, and television, we are now able to seek out news from varying points of view that might not align with our own. Now add the recent interest in documentaries to that list. We should be questioning more and more. Always question, it will expand our minds.
I always dislike the practice of voting along the party line. We should vote on the principle of the issues. I always dislike the practice of voting from the pocketbook. We should again vote on the principle of the issues.
I have a little disclaimer to insert here. I can not yet vote. I am not a US citizen even though I have been here for 2/3 of my life. Yes, I had voter apathy. But the election from 4 years ago changed that. The event of 9/11 changed that. The outrageous and wrongful actions in Washington this last two years changed that. This time I want my voice heard. So, I've applied for citizenship but it does not appear that I will be able to register in time for this election. I received a nice letter from our "Homeland Security Department" that it might take them 450 DAYS to process my application. This is my tax dollar at work, and I have not a say!
Maybe I can change some opinions, start some questioning from this weblog of mine. It will also be a source for me to explore my reasoning and thought process. Everything seems to be clearer written down, everything seems to raise more questions written down also. As before, always question.
I have just own a computer for 4 months and surfing the web has proven to be addictive. I have not turn on my television set for that amount of time. I've always thought TV programming dumbs down to the public to appeal to a greater audience, I believe that even more now. What is the deal with all those reality tv programs? Are our lives such a bore that we crave to live through the drama of other ordinary folks? And really, how "real" and "true" can it be when it is edited down to the most shocking, gripping, disturbing events? Come to think of it, weblog can certainly be viewed that way too. People writing about their daily happenings, presented in an interesting manner. I've never read a weblog that says "Today, nothing exciting happened." I ought to have an exact entry in the near future. But knowing me, I'll probably ramble on about how ordinary it is that it just might become interesting.
Well, this certainly is a random rambling post started by the above mentioned cartoon. Check it out. It will have you rolling on the floor.
# posted by random ramblings @ 1:43 AM