For the upcoming labor day weekend, the official weekend to mark the end of the summer (bummed), I am heading up to Truckee with a few friends of mine from college days. We are partaking into excess of everything we do. Mostly just excess of hanging around, doing nothing, and eating, of course. That's the motto of the Aron family anyways. The motto being "If it is worth doing, it's worth doing to excess." Aahh! The indulgence of life with friends is always a good remedy from our hurried world.
No, really, we are not just doing nothing (double negatives here). This weekend is the Aron family's Sixteenth Annual Aarrooone Cup Tournament. What is this? You ask. It is a model aircraft race. We custom build model aircraft from balsa wood, mount an engine, attach it with a pylon line to a pylon swivel and then measure the average speed over 10 laps. The whole sit-up and the rig for calculating the speed was the brainchild of Jim Aron. His invention was quite ingenious. The very first Aarrooone Cup air race's top speed was at 38.04mhp. Last year, the speed tops out at about 66.452782mhp, which is the Aarrooone Cup World Record. That is some progess, my friends. This event just gets bigger and bigger every year. And every year some stuff is being added and improved. One year, The Family repainted and added landing circles to the garage floor. Another year, they added grandstand to their horseshoe pit. There always seem to have project to start and finish.
Every year, for the following Sunday, we would spend a lazy afternoon floating down the truckee river. The word for this year, though, is the river is too low. They are not letting water out of the dam by the Fanny Bridge. The name Fanny Bridge was so named because people stick their butts out to look below the bridge. So, this year, I managed to impose myself on Bob and family to bring my bike up with them. I've been wanting to bike along Lake Tahoe ever since I did some bike events with The Luekemia Society.
I must log-off now and do some packing for the 4-hour trekk up highway 80. Let the good time, food, and wine flow! Now, I must leave you with the wise words of
William Shakespear
I wish you well and so I take my leave, I Pray you know me when we meet again.
# posted by random ramblings @ 4:17 PM