We live in a colorful world and these shades of color convey different feelings to us. What does the color blue say to you? What does the color red feel to you? We all perceive color differently through the
rods and cones in our eyes. How many times do we stop and marvel at all the different color spectrum displayed in our sky? As the sun rises, the orange of the sun gives way to the blue. As sun sets, the blue in the sky changes to the orange, rose, purple then grey to reveal the stars in our night sky.
This past Saturday, I joined a bunch of star gazers at Crestview Park in San Carlos as we track the stars, galaxies, and planets. Amongst the group was a educational planner working for San Francisco's
Exploratorium. She was designing and planning a new exhibit that will teach us how diversely colorful is our sky. We tend to label sky as an generic blue. What shade of blue? Is it more purple? A light blue? In this part of the Bay Area, it could just be a haze due to the pollution.
We all have a favorite color because of what that color makes us feel. But maybe that color actually says something personal about you.
Pantone creates and maintains a set color standard for my field in printing. They launched a
site that takes your birthday and designates a color pallet. Much like a birthstone.
The colors that we see all around us are a reflection of the sun's light in all its glory. It is magic made visible. Theres is nothing more miraculous, unexpected or wonderous than seeing a rainbow appear in the sky.
You are part of that rainbow of light and just as being born on a particular day under a particular Sun sign offers insights into your personlaity and nature, there is also a personal color that corresponds to the real you. It is a color that reflects the very essence of your specific birth date.
This is a very well design site with nice graphic and interface.
Check out your color and see if you agree with them or not. My birth month May is Bud Green (green has always been my favorite color) and my birthdate 21st is Mandarin Orange (that might explain the orange here). And next time as you are hurrying somewhere, stuck in traffic, stop and marvel at the color of the sky. You might be amazed that it is not what should be the color of the sky as you know it.
# posted by random ramblings @ 1:26 AM