Quote of the Day
Once a person has witnessed a war, they are forever changed
Ehren Tool, a marine
It is hard for me and my friends to understand how John Kerry was not elected as our president. Of all the three debates, all medias gave the debates to John Kerry. President Bush had his own
family voted against him. Scott McConnell at The American Conservative magazine had
endorsed Kerry. The rest of the
world had voted Kerry 77%. Bush has lead us into a war under false pretenses. We are now running the highest deficit ever. Our future is being mortgaged as I write. Our rights are being taken away. We are looked upon and questioned when we uttered anything against the President and being labeled anti-patriotic. We are not any more secured. I do not feel any safer with Bush as Commander in Chief of this country. I kept close watch on
CNN last night, tracking the electoral vote count as each state reports its tally. I watched incredulously as each state in the middle of USA gets colored red. Are we, those that lives on the West and East coast that different from the rest of the USA?
I have heard and read a lot of analysis of why Kerry lost, of how Bush won. Bush appeals to the good old traditional family value, pro-life, upholds marriage, have religious faith, blah, blah, blah... But wait just a minute, this almost accuses us, those who supported Kerry, of not holding those values close to our hearts too. I view family values just as important as the next person, certainly not any less important than a Republican would. I value my choices as a woman, a sister, an aunt and a daughter. Just because I am pro-choice does not make me an irresponsible sex and pleasure seeking freak. Pro-choice does not equate pro-abortion, nor does being against pro-life means I am not awed at the miracle of life. Marriage was once sanctified under the Church. Now civil unions are being granted under State Departments. Well, guess what? Those are called "marriage" too, without the involvement of the Church. All the gays and lesbians ask for are the rights granted under marriage. They do not intend to take your religion away. They do not intend to dilute your meaning of marriage. If the hang-up is in the word and the meaning of "marriage", then let them call it something else, but grant them the equal rights under the same rules of law. A senator once said on the congressional floor, "Call it what you want-civil rights, human rights, equal rights. The reality is, at the end of the day, it is still a right I don't have." As for religious faith, it should not be what governs this country. Much of the unrest in the Middle East is attributed to religion. We should not throw ourselves into the fray too. There is no victor in a religious war. We should have learned our lessons already. I do not want a Commander-in-Chief to run this country on faith. "A political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts, is not a person you want as your Commander-in-Chief." As said by non other than George W. Bush. View the
Now what? I begin the next four years with a sad and heavy heart. And to the rest of the world, who overwhelmingly voted for Kerry, I am really, really, really sorry. For the next four years, policies that are passed will have implications and be far-reaching in all corners of the globe. I hope this country for the People will have enough resolve to keep this government in check and balance.
# posted by random ramblings @ 1:36 AM