I went to visit my good friends, Bob Aron and his wife Yvette, this last Monday night. The visit was to drop off their Christmas presents for the family. They have two adorable daughters, ages 9 and 6, that I enjoy spending time and playing with them. After we put the children to bed, said our goodnights, we retired to the family-room and kitchen to catch up. I've always enjoyed listening to their various stories involving their families and their American childhood that seemed so different than mine. Bob was recounting on how when he was a child, he used to cover his hand in glue, wait until it dries, and slowly peel it back like shedding ones skin. Marveling at the oddity and coolness of an intact sheet of dried up glue that only a child's mentality can understand. We've all been there before as a child. He than was debating if he, as a parent, should show his children this cool "trick". I'm pretty sure the parents before us had all been at this moment before. What do we pass down to our children?
Children has this ability to allow us to relive our childhood, to reminiscent through our now experienced eyes and take us back to that innocent period. And as a parent, they also allow us to see through our parents eyes as when we were that child. That's the circle of life on a much more personal level.
Bob, go ahead and spread that glue on those tiny hands! It will be something they would recall when they are much older with their own children.
# posted by random ramblings @ 5:29 PM