New Yok Times has done a really excellent interactive site depicting the aftermath of the tragedy, complete with simulation of the wave patterns and time lines following the quake over at South Asia about more than 1.5 months ago.

Even after almost two months time and hearing countless stories, countless before and after photos, countless new reports, I still can't fathom the devastation and pendemonium going on half a world away.
How do I even begin to make sense of 212,000 death so far?How do I even begin to understand the millions and millions of lives altered forever? How do I even begin to describe the uplifting of human spirits as they will undoubtly rise out of this disaster?
Please give generously to the
various organizations that are giving a helping hand. I have gave to
The Red Cross and
Doctors without Borders.
# posted by random ramblings @ 12:51 AM