Quote of the Day: "I was starting to believe the reason it matters to care passionately about something is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size." –Susan Orlean, Adaptation, The Orchid Thief
"I used to write about politics fairly often on this site. And then a funny thing happened: Bush got re-elected. Please note that, by 'funny,' I don't mean funny 'hah hah' or funny 'strange,' but funny 'GODDAMMIT WTF??!!!'"...read moreHe does a better job than I would have if I were to write about it. And yes, I feel a little burned out by the political process and the election itself. I have been tuning out news and have entertain thoughts of moving to Canada. David Suzuki pleads with us environmental progressive thinkers to stay here in United States to keep the politicians in-line.
Of course, the most compelling reason for progressives to be optimist is simply this: they have no choice. If progressivism has any defining feature, it's that its proponents have the imagination to envision a better nation and the courage to work towards it. And in this race, rejecting the Republican's campaign of fear and smear and instead rallying behind a guy trying to unseat an incumbent president in the middle of a war was an act of optimism unparalleled in recent political history.I'm taking a serious step to contribute my two-cents tomorrow. I'm taking my citizenship test Monday. Wish me luck. Look out, politicians, one more voice is going to be heard!
Oh, and one last thing. A lot of progressives are joking about "moving to Canada" -- myself included . But if you're one of those folks who insists that they are really, really considering it, please: do us all a favor and go. The Republicans will be happy to see you leave, and the rest of us don't really need you hanging around and reinforcing the stereotype that liberals (a) are so unpatriotic that they will ditch their nation in a time of need, and (b) feel entitled to the benefits of a government (like, Canada's) without having to work for it. If you're "totally serious" about moving this time, then pack up and head for the border, compadre. Otherwise, dig in your heels, roll up your sleeves, gird your loins and get ready to fight, like the rest of us intend to do... read more